Sunday, 5 September 2010


lots of bits of news so here goes:

20th October 2010
Yellow6 will play at Nottingham Chameleon (Old Market sq / alleyway next to the Bell Inn, above Clinton Cards)
with Lichens and Chris Baldwin

5th March 2011
Live Looping Festival, Antwerp, Saturday
Theo Travis / Aidan Baker / Yellow6 / Bill Walker / Kunst4Life / Premonition Factory

Forthcoming releases:

long awaited (meaning i've taken my time) release...
how long can you make 3 chords last? in this case, 75 minutes.
Three versions of a tune which has three (very lovely) chords played on lots of different guitars by me (8 different guitars i think) and contributions from: Fraser McGowan, Konntinent, Arconic Music, David Newlyn, Absent Without Leave, Kevin hufnagel, Northern Valentine, Stafraenn Hakon, Ringinglow and Winterlight.
A live version of this track was included on the LIVE cdr released by October Man, recorded at Union Chapel - one of only two live performances of this piece to date.
This will be a limited CD on my own Editions6 label in a recycled card sleeve with rubber stamp. Most likely an edition of 300 copies (certainly no ore) available by mail order and from selected retailers.
expect October 2010

in time this too will fade
clear vinyl LP on ToneFloat records in the C-series imprint.
three track LP
Side 1: 00:30 (18.42)
Side 2: 090209 (09.56), 20.1.10 (08.44)
mastered by Fear Falls Burning
expect October 2010

thisquietarmy + yellow6
recordings made in Montreal in March 2009, edited/mixed by Eric Quach (TQA), mastered by Fear Falls Burning will be released as a 2 volume LP series (including download code) by Basses Frequences
first volume 'DEATH'
expect late 2010

absent without leave / yellow6 split cdr
on the subject of thisquiet army, Eric will be releasing a double 3" cdr in the TQA records AURAL DIPTYCH SERIES
this will have one disc by each artist. my disc includes four improvised pieces recorded over summer 2010
these were recorded mainly in trying out new pieces of equipment i'd bought (EXH Freeze, Boss Feedbacker, Fender Bass VI)
expect late 2010

Larkian and Yellow6
Cyril and I have been working on recordings together for a while now and have 7 tracks made by sending loops to each other.
we have just heard from Basses Frequences that they will release it as a CD.
more news as it happens
expect spring 2011

the sleep of reason
this is the name of the collaboration i have been working on with Dirk Serries (Fear Falls Burning / Microphonics). We have completed the first and second parts of the trilogy and Dirk has sent me the source material for the third. Once complete we will decide on how/when/where to release
there are some sound samples from the first volume at the MySpace page
expect some time 2011

heavy with snow
this 3" cdr on Moscow label ABGVRD has been delayed but will appear some time
expect some time (2010 ???)

the latest issue of the Silber webzine QRD features gear related interviews with guitarists, including me.
If you're interested, the zine is here:

and my page is here:

that's about all for now... there will be a merry6mas cd this year so look out for news on that, and also another release from the fine people at October Man with an extremely limited box set version (and i mean extreme!) but the normal verison will be more widely available... provisionally titled 'OLD' the disc will include recordings salvaged from old cassettes dating from 1995-1997

Lastly, i have some remaining copies of CUT with bonus un/CUT CD and a handful of remaining copies of Bootleg#3 and merry6mas2009 available form the shop

and even more lastly, there's a Yellow6 fakebook group (not set up by me) here:

thanks for listening... more news as it happens


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