Monday, 30 November 2015

walk out to winter....or stay in with yellow6

Hi.  the days are colder and the nights longer meaning it’s that merry6mas time of year.  As ever, the only thing festive about this release as that it coincides with this time of year, but don’t let that stop you trying to liven up parties with it (or at the least, end parties with it).

in circles / merry6mas2015 is #17 in an ongoing series, written and recorded during 2015, some of this music came about during rehearsals for the 2 live shows of the year, some didn’t make the final cut of No Memories, Only Photographs, and others were written as time became short and i needed material for this and was avoiding using a live recording as last year.
All are, as ever, presented here lacking some of the final polish some may expect, but this is the polish that, in reality, no Yellow6 release has ever had. Because i record part improvised there will always be the odd note that isn’t quite right or the click of an effect pedal, but i feel these are the things that make it more human (of course the big errors are deleted).
Aside from a couple of drum loops, each song was recorded as a single multi-track take.  There’s a few overdubs of bass, piano and drum beats but that’s all. 
As this is mostly loop based music, there is usually a starting loop as the foundation on which the other layers are built. At some time this loop will disappear and be replaced by others. The thing i like when listening back as i don’t always notice when these things start and stop straight away as other layers come to the fore. I hope you will also find that in the shifting collection of loops and drones that make up the music.

All music by Yellow6
Released by Silber (Silber 203)
Sleeve photographs by Gavin Morrow
(taken at the Church of Sound, Nottingham, September 2015)

Track listing:
two kinds of people 04:05
the end of a gloomy week 09:57
circular #3 13:22
the fifth (live rehearsal version) 07:59
circular #4 11:57
my favourite corner09:31
the longest day 12:31
summers past 09:47

total time 79:24

There are still a handful of copies of No Memories, Only Photographs left on the site (13), and the last few of Closer To The Sea Without Moving (7) - plus the free recent live download “Church of Sound”.

Also, in case you are looking for that super rare exclusive christmas gift for the one you love, the final copy of the 30 copy lathe cut LP/CD set of No Memories, Only Photographs (LP with 2 tracks only available in physical form here) is now on eBay:

Thanks again for your support in 2015.  My Bandcamp has had more plays in the last 6 months than ever and i’ve scraped past that elusive 500 likes in Facebook…… the only way is up!

merry6mas and a happy new year to you all


Friday, 28 August 2015

No Memories, Only Photographs

The time has come, a little earlier than originally planned and the new Yellow6 album is available from today at Bandcamp.

So here’s the important details:

No Memories, Only Photographs CD
Silber Records Silber 201
150 CD copies

This is an 8 track, 64 minute CD (not cdr) packaged in a stencilled black card sleeve, with two full colour inserts featuring the photographs of Dik Ng and Steph Summer, taken at the Sound Pilgrims event earlier this year. 

Here’s some comments on a couple of the tracks from Mark Barton (Sunday Experience, Losing Today)

 ‘return of the saucers’ is old school Yellow6, slow drip entrancement, both measured and elegant all bathed in crystalline kisses and the genteel emotional burn of bitter sweet reflection not to mention touched by the noir purred sleight of hand of  Budd and/Mancini, the mood as ever undercut by a veiled and hollowed romance.

By contrast ‘seal beach’ is adorned by a dreamy texture that softly radiates and shimmers to a more recognisable romantic incline, the mood mellower and distanced by a tranquil calm is delicately dappled and subtly dipped in the expressive colouring of genteel exotic sea breezes which by our reckoning are best served listening to through head cans whilst unwinding yourself of the days deeds whilst watching burning skies fading into the distance.

Also available soon is a very limited 30 copy lathe cut LP as a companion piece.  This LP in cut on heavy black vinyl and comes in a black disco bag with a full size double sided insert.  It features two long exclusive tracks “Beat Them At Their Own Game” and “Photographs On The Piano”, only available in physical form here (they are included in the download of the album from Bandcamp). 
The LP includes a full CD copy of the album.

The LPs are expected to be available towards the end of September, and will be shipped as soon as they arrive.  Due to the UK holiday weekend, it will be put on Bandcamp for pre-order on Friday 04 September.  2 copies will be sold on eBay.
I will apologise in advance for the price of these which is not cheap.  Aside from the cost of the individual cutting of the LP and printing of the sleeve insert, the shipping costs are quite ridiculous so please note this will be £5 UK, £12 EU, £15 rest of world in addition to the selling price.  It is, of course, worth every penny!

Bandcamp links:

So, here’s a link to the videos on YouTube and the whole album can be streamed on Bandcamp and is available for instant download with any purchase.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Lastly but not leastly, I have a rare live appearance in Nottingham:

Here’s the details:
The Church of Sound Presents
Yellow6 / Infinity Curve / Grey Frequency
17 September at 19:30

Lee Rosy's Tea Shop
17 Broad Street, Nottingham

more info and the Fakebook event:


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

new sounds....

as a taster for the upcoming album, there's two tracks up on Soundcloud:

Seal Beach - a track from the CD

Photographs on the Piano - one side of the limited lathe cut LP

The artwork for the CD arrived today and the inlay for teh LP is expected tomorrow.  CD should arrive in a week or so and the LP mid September.

150 copies of the LP and 30 of the LP

Live show for Church of Sound at Lee rosy, Nottingham on 17th September.... more news soon


Monday, 20 July 2015

plans are coming together for the new album which i hope to release in September.  
It will be titled "No memories, Only Photographs" and you can hear one track from it here:
more news soon along with ther previews, maybe even a video.... There will be pre-orders through Bandcamp for the CD and limited 30 copy edition with 12" lathe cut LP (with 35 mins of exclusive material) nearer the time......there's even a live show in Nottingham on 17th September, hopefully to coincide with the release
more soon

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Yellow6 summer news 2015 (new album on the way...)


Following on from the Canterbury Sound Pilgrims event earlier this year, I have battled with new technology and, whilst I haven't yet won, I think I'm doing ok.  Ok enough to have recorded an album of all new material since that event.
This album is planned for release in association with the ever lovely Silber label around September 2015. This, of course, will be followed by the traditional merry6mas at the end of the year....and all being well a live show or two along the way (open to offers there, particularly in the Midlands).

The live set for Sound Pilgrims included three new songs, none of which have been formally recorded, so the album will include 7 new tunes running to around 60 minutes. It will be in a card sleeve with booklet including photographs from Sound Pilgrims by Dik Ng.
There will also be a very limited lathe cut 12” lp release. This will be a maximum 30 copy run featuring two (long) exclusive tracks, only available in physical format here. The lathe cut will include the cd album, and all purchases through bandcamp will have download of all tracks.  The CD album will also be available via your favourite online music services.

there will be more news on this as things progress…. watch this space and enjoy your summer


Sunday, 19 April 2015

live show April 2015 and a film to watch....



SAT 25TH APR, 2015 "Doors open at 12:30pm"


Bringing the underground overground for an afternoon of Post-Kraut-Ambient-Prog-Drone-Minimalist-Shoegaze-Electronic-Psychedelic-Hillbilly-ROCK.


For this show, Yellow6 will perform tracks from Closer To The Sea Without Moving, Mery6mas2014 and some new material (which hopefully will be ready in just under 2 weeks)

A rare opportunity to see most of these artists live at a bargain price..... this is what they said about me (in case you don't already know)

Yellow6 is the solo guitar project of Jon Attwood.
Whilst not specific to any one genre, Yellow6 might be described as being ambient, shoegaze, post-rock.
We feel that Jon, through Yellow6, uses his guitar much like an artist does a paintbrush (take a look at the vivid sherbet candy skies in any Jack Frame tree painting, then imagine the equivalent in sound – that is Yellow6). He can paint the most heart-achingly beautiful dreamland soundscapes, and does so with such relentless proliferation, that even the most completeist of record collectors would be hard-pressed to keep up with Yellow6 output.
We were lucky enough to catch Yellow6 in a debut performance at the Gloucester Guildhall, in 2001, as part of the Ochre Records festival (the live performance was later released on a split CD with the band Avrocar - Ochre Records OCH032LCD). However, the first single release by Yellow6 was made some years earlier in 1998 on Enraptured Records (Perception received/Milestone RAPT4521).
On his website, Jon speculates about whether he will make it to his 100th release, but promises that as long as people are listening, and he can create, then he will continue to do so. We are still listening Jon - Keep the beautiful ambient, melancholic soundscapes coming!
Don’t miss this exceedingly rare opportunity to see Yellow6 live in Canterbury – buy your tickets now at:

all the info on all the artists is on fakebook here:

Yellow6 will be on stage around 14.00

hope to see some of you there


more news...
a short film by Ornana Films is now available to watch on vimeo.  "A different Kind Of Movement" inlcudes the song 'Bright Skies' taken from Y6XV (merry6mas2013).

you can see the film here: